Machine Shop

3D Printing to Optimize Bike Parts

Renishaw Optimized 3D Printed BikeThe folks over at Renishaw, who have largely been known for metrology devices like probes and the like, are also big into 3D printing. They have published a press release detailing a really cool success story using their 3D printing capabilities. Their software used to allowed them to take an aluminum bike part, optimize it in titanium, and create a 33% lighter but much stronger version. This was achieved by using computer modeling to figure out the ideal shape to make the part, leaving out everything that was unnecessary. Read the entire release here.


China Increases Drone Capabilities

Chinese DroneLooks like China is increasing their drone weapon capability. Add that to their increased aircraft carrier, sub, and advanced fighter aircraft technology, and China is becoming more and more of a potential threat. Certainly it is well within their rights to develop defense technology. My only concern is that America needs to keep working on its own technology. Allowing too much advanced manufacturing to go overseas is not, in my opinion, in our own best interests.

Machine Shop

5-axis DESKTOP Cnc!

There’s a startup company in Boszeman, MT working out the bugs on what will probably be the first desktop 5-axis CNC mill! That should bring some serious power to hobbyists and small shops everywhere! I may just have to open a shop on my patio.


Cool new bike with 3D Printed (DMLS) Parts

oaverview_3d_printed_bikeThe engineers at Evo Utility Bike have come up with a really interesting concept for a bicycle. It utilizes a modular shoe attachment system for mounting different accessories. The system currently uses 3D printed (deposition metal laser sintering – DMLS) parts, though it may use more conventional manufacturing in large production. Very cool stuff!

Variety of bike attachments
A wide variety of attachments can be added to a bike easily with this concept.
Machine Shop TECH NEWS

Cool GoPro CNC Machining Video

I came across this really cool cnc machining video on

There are some great shots taken with a GoPro camera mounted in a tool holder. There are interior machining shots, footage of the inside of the tool magazine, and all sorts of stuff a machine shop geek would love. I should point out that I had nothing to do with this video; it was shot in a large CNC shop in the Portland area. It looks like they do some great work!